December 3rd

It's DECEMBER!!! YAY!!!! This week was sad. I was sick Monday and Tuesday and like 100000 days. Today I went back to school and had a very BORING day. Tonight I had mutual and we went to a retirement home and helped them decorate for Christmas. It was really... exciting. One my friends wore leather pants and it was really gross. I yetched. LOL :) So now he wants to wear them to school tomorrow and I really hope he doesn't.

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Nov. 28

Thanksgiving was amazing! It was also weird. It didn't really feel like thanksgiving. ALL of my mom's side of the family were here. It was so cool last night at 11:00pm i went to the outlet mall . and we were there until 2:30am! I went with my 2 cousins and we didn't go to bed until 4:00am. I am so tired. At least it is only Friday! YAY!

Talk Later

Nov. 23

Yesterday was so amazing. I went to a stake dance. It was weird though because it wasn't my stake so i didn't know anybody except the people i went with. It was kind of sad. No guy asked me to dance except once and he was really cute. I also found out that he goes to my stake dances so i'll get to see him again. LOL.

Got to do homework. :(

Talk Later

Nov 16

This week was fun... Kinda. All week I didn't feel good, but i still went to school.:( On Friday I went with my best friend to a BYU ballet and it was so good. It was about fairies and fairyfales. I loved it. On Saturday I woke up early and helped that same friend babysit from 10:00-3:00. It was a long day. After that I was home a little while then got to go to a stake dance. It was sooooooooooooo much fun. I loved it. The only thing I don't like is how hot it is in there.:( I went outside like 5 times.

Tomorrow I have school and am hoping i'm really sick.:) Just Kidding.

Talk Later,

Oct, 31


I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and gets lots of candy.

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Oct. 28

OMG it has been so long sense I have updated this. Lets see what happened... In sept. I had my first stake dance and I had so much fun. It was so HOT in there me and my friend kept leaving to go outside. High School is good I have started a new quarter and I now have Journalism. Last week was great I was on Fall Break and slept most of the time. I went to the park ALOT and hung out with my friends. I partied a couple times. On Friday we went to the Chatfeild corn maze and I got lost, it was sad.:( Afterward we went to Old Chicago for pizza. IT WAS DELICIOUS! On saturday voluntered at the Fall Festival. Then went to my church's Trunk 'o Treat. I had so much fun. I was a bumble bee and I will add pictures later. My friend was a gangster and totally looked like a boy. It was really funny. I am really sad fall break is over because now im back in school. :( Anyway lots of homework to do.

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Aug 25-31

This week so far was great. My birthday was on Monday and we went to Mt. Fugi (sushi). For my birthday I got a laptop, a game, a necklace, popcorn, and a gift card. It was great.

Through out the rest of the week I went to Art Club:) and school:(. On Thursday after school we left for Utah. We left around 6:30pm and got there a 2:30am. I wasn't that tired. I slept in the car and Sage slept on me, we got so sweaty. EW. We are staying at my Uncle's house and are leaving tomorrow:(. I don't wan't to leave. 1. because I will miss them and 2. I will have to go back to school and seminary.

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August 16

Last night I went to EFY espically for youth and it was so good. Both speakers were really funny and also really spirtual. I had a great time. I wish I could of gone to the dance because my birthday is 10 days away! I am so excited to have my birthday! I can't wait to be 14 years old.

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August 9th

Yesterday was my birthday party. I was sad at first because I had invited 5 people and 1 person came. I actully did cry. We went to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 it was really good. We had hot wings for dinner then came home and open presents. My freind Courtney got me a game for the computer and my friend Emma got me a gift card and carmel corn. My other friend Taya is dropping hers of later today. My most favorite present of all is the laptop my parents got me. It is red and really amazing. I am so excited for my real birthday. It is on the 25th and my cousin's is on the 26th we are a year apart though.

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July 22

This week was a lot of fun. On Saturday we went to Elitch Gardens in Downtown Denver. I had so much fun. Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist. I don't think that will be very much fun at all. Yesterday I went to my friend Janelle's house and later I am going to Shannon's.

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IM HOME! July 7-8

I'm home from my trip. I had so much fun. I wish I had pictures but I don't, sorry. My flight was great and I got here at about 9:00. My parents were a little late so we got to meet another flight attendant. Now I am back to sitting at home watching my brother and sisters. FUN!? Well... I should get to bed it is 10:30.

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We just shot off fireworks from my grandparents backyard it was so cool. I have some pictures.

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June 25-July 4

This past weeks I went to girls camp and visited Indiana. I am actually still in Indiana right now. Girls camp anyway... It was great kinda . I had really bad allegries and my lips were chapped really bad. Everything else was fun. I hiked up a huge mountain and had lunch up there. We had to slide on our butts back down. My pants were so ripped up afterward I had to throw them away. The hike was really fun. Two days after girls camp I went to Indiana I have been here since Monday. I am leaving Monday and my aunt and uncle are coming tomorrow. We are going to go to Holiday World. I am soo excited. I have attached some pictures of camp.

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Ana had her graduation and so did my cousin Chelsea. I went out to Montrose for a week to see her graduate and hang out with my cousins. I had so much fun. I came back on Thursday. I really miss them. When we came back I had a birthday party and then just hung out. Monday we ( Mom, Lauren, Burke, Ana and me) went to Water World and I had a great time and got a great sunburn. This week other wise has been really boring... I get to babysit andbabysit. FUN right? That is this week.

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This next week...

I am so excited for my last week of school! I have some class parties and yearbooks. Then on saturday I am going to Montrose for my cousins graduation and I get to stay there for the week. After that we are going to Moab, Utah and spend a week there. I am soo excited!


I totally forgot to post last week. It was exciting. On Tuesday I smashed my finger in my front door (middle finger). Wednesday I had roadshow practice and I am a dancer. We had our roadshow on Friday and Saturday and didn't win a single award, there were 18 awards! I have 10 more days of school and I am soooo excited! Except fo finals aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggg.

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You'll never guess but Sage is also sick now and has a "volcano" in he tummy and showed us the explosion last night. I went to my friend's birthday party yesterday and had a wonderful time... most of the time, I am still feeling a little sick. After swimming I was sooooo ooooooooo oooo tired. I just sat on the couch and fell asleep. Now I have to go back to school tomorrow and make up a LOT of work!

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On Tuesday I got the flu and it was horrible! All Wednesday I was still sick and couldn't get of the couch! Today I felt fine (until now) and Lauren and Burke got to go to my mom's work. So Unfair! Tomorrow I will probably be sick and miss school again. But I really hope I am not sick on Saturday my friend is having her birthday party.


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All week and last week I have been babysitting on Tuesdays and Fridays. I am hoping to earn enough money for my own laptop. On Thursday my grandma had a art show at our house, it went really well. Yesterday I went to a 3 year old's birthday party. There was a balloon lady and she was really funny. My dad told he to make me a boyfriend, so now I have a balloon boyfriend sitting in my front room.

Lauren has the flu and I sure hope I don't get sick. She has had about 3 popsicles and she said it makes her feel better which is good.

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Fun Week

This week was ok... This week started with me getting back and my sisters having pink eye. Then on wednesday I had youth group and practiced our dance. Thursday I went to the Mammoths lacrosse game and they won. It was sooooo much fun, we had front row seats and I almost died. Just kidding. Saturday I went bowling at Fat City and came in 2nd place (behind Sage)! After Shannon came over and had a great time. That leads up to today, I stayed home and watch conference and played LEGOS. I had a great time.

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March 31

Today I was really tired because I had to go back to school. I am really excited for tomorrow because it is April Fools Day. I plan on playing lots of tricks on people.

If you have any good ideas write a comment.

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I'm Back!

I am back from Utah and I had a great time. Yesterday was amazing, we went all over Temple Square. First we saw the Joseph Smith building and saw a movie in there. After we went to a restaurant up-stairs and had a great lunch. We went to another building for a while and went to the Beehive house afterward, my favorite part. When we were done at the Beehive house we went get a snack. Afterward we ran to the conference center for our YW broadcast. It was so amazing and I loved it. I really wish I was still there.

I am so used to being in a car that I wish I was still in one.

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I am here in Utah, using my friends grandparents computer. Our ride wasn't very long ,81/2 hours, really good time I got no sleep and it is soo dark down in the basement, I didn't know it was morning. My m0m came and woke us up at 7:00 and so I am ready and have nothing to do but this. I don't know where we are going but tonight is our YW broadcast. I am really excited.

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Tomorrow I am going to Utah and I am so excited!!! I am as excited as a animated monkey!

The Zoo

Today we went to the Zoo. It was so much fun! I got to feed a giraffe! Their tongues are really weird and gray. There was a baby gorilla and he was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I was able to pet a wallaby, he was really soft.
This is my family....
Yes we are always like this.

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Spring Break

This week was great. It was Spring Break and we went everywhere.
Monday and Tuesday we stayed home and made a fort. Wednesday I ruined it. Thursday we went to the rec center, got lunch, went to the park, got ice cream, then came home. Today (friday) we are going the the Cheyennne Mountain Zoo. I am really excited!

Ashley Osborne

Hi I'm Ashley and I am new at this. I'm 13 and live in Colorado, I like art and the computer, (I take after my dad). I have a family of 6 and we are hosting a foreign exchange student. In my family of 6 I have two sisters and one brother. They can be annoying sometimes (most often) but we all get along.