March 31

Today I was really tired because I had to go back to school. I am really excited for tomorrow because it is April Fools Day. I plan on playing lots of tricks on people.

If you have any good ideas write a comment.

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I'm Back!

I am back from Utah and I had a great time. Yesterday was amazing, we went all over Temple Square. First we saw the Joseph Smith building and saw a movie in there. After we went to a restaurant up-stairs and had a great lunch. We went to another building for a while and went to the Beehive house afterward, my favorite part. When we were done at the Beehive house we went get a snack. Afterward we ran to the conference center for our YW broadcast. It was so amazing and I loved it. I really wish I was still there.

I am so used to being in a car that I wish I was still in one.

Talk Later


I am here in Utah, using my friends grandparents computer. Our ride wasn't very long ,81/2 hours, really good time I got no sleep and it is soo dark down in the basement, I didn't know it was morning. My m0m came and woke us up at 7:00 and so I am ready and have nothing to do but this. I don't know where we are going but tonight is our YW broadcast. I am really excited.

Talk Later


Tomorrow I am going to Utah and I am so excited!!! I am as excited as a animated monkey!

The Zoo

Today we went to the Zoo. It was so much fun! I got to feed a giraffe! Their tongues are really weird and gray. There was a baby gorilla and he was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I was able to pet a wallaby, he was really soft.
This is my family....
Yes we are always like this.

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Spring Break

This week was great. It was Spring Break and we went everywhere.
Monday and Tuesday we stayed home and made a fort. Wednesday I ruined it. Thursday we went to the rec center, got lunch, went to the park, got ice cream, then came home. Today (friday) we are going the the Cheyennne Mountain Zoo. I am really excited!

Ashley Osborne

Hi I'm Ashley and I am new at this. I'm 13 and live in Colorado, I like art and the computer, (I take after my dad). I have a family of 6 and we are hosting a foreign exchange student. In my family of 6 I have two sisters and one brother. They can be annoying sometimes (most often) but we all get along.