Aug 25-31

This week so far was great. My birthday was on Monday and we went to Mt. Fugi (sushi). For my birthday I got a laptop, a game, a necklace, popcorn, and a gift card. It was great.

Through out the rest of the week I went to Art Club:) and school:(. On Thursday after school we left for Utah. We left around 6:30pm and got there a 2:30am. I wasn't that tired. I slept in the car and Sage slept on me, we got so sweaty. EW. We are staying at my Uncle's house and are leaving tomorrow:(. I don't wan't to leave. 1. because I will miss them and 2. I will have to go back to school and seminary.

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August 16

Last night I went to EFY espically for youth and it was so good. Both speakers were really funny and also really spirtual. I had a great time. I wish I could of gone to the dance because my birthday is 10 days away! I am so excited to have my birthday! I can't wait to be 14 years old.

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August 9th

Yesterday was my birthday party. I was sad at first because I had invited 5 people and 1 person came. I actully did cry. We went to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 it was really good. We had hot wings for dinner then came home and open presents. My freind Courtney got me a game for the computer and my friend Emma got me a gift card and carmel corn. My other friend Taya is dropping hers of later today. My most favorite present of all is the laptop my parents got me. It is red and really amazing. I am so excited for my real birthday. It is on the 25th and my cousin's is on the 26th we are a year apart though.

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