Oct, 31


I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and gets lots of candy.

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Oct. 28

OMG it has been so long sense I have updated this. Lets see what happened... In sept. I had my first stake dance and I had so much fun. It was so HOT in there me and my friend kept leaving to go outside. High School is good I have started a new quarter and I now have Journalism. Last week was great I was on Fall Break and slept most of the time. I went to the park ALOT and hung out with my friends. I partied a couple times. On Friday we went to the Chatfeild corn maze and I got lost, it was sad.:( Afterward we went to Old Chicago for pizza. IT WAS DELICIOUS! On saturday voluntered at the Fall Festival. Then went to my church's Trunk 'o Treat. I had so much fun. I was a bumble bee and I will add pictures later. My friend was a gangster and totally looked like a boy. It was really funny. I am really sad fall break is over because now im back in school. :( Anyway lots of homework to do.

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