Nov. 28

Thanksgiving was amazing! It was also weird. It didn't really feel like thanksgiving. ALL of my mom's side of the family were here. It was so cool last night at 11:00pm i went to the outlet mall . and we were there until 2:30am! I went with my 2 cousins and we didn't go to bed until 4:00am. I am so tired. At least it is only Friday! YAY!

Talk Later

Nov. 23

Yesterday was so amazing. I went to a stake dance. It was weird though because it wasn't my stake so i didn't know anybody except the people i went with. It was kind of sad. No guy asked me to dance except once and he was really cute. I also found out that he goes to my stake dances so i'll get to see him again. LOL.

Got to do homework. :(

Talk Later

Nov 16

This week was fun... Kinda. All week I didn't feel good, but i still went to school.:( On Friday I went with my best friend to a BYU ballet and it was so good. It was about fairies and fairyfales. I loved it. On Saturday I woke up early and helped that same friend babysit from 10:00-3:00. It was a long day. After that I was home a little while then got to go to a stake dance. It was sooooooooooooo much fun. I loved it. The only thing I don't like is how hot it is in there.:( I went outside like 5 times.

Tomorrow I have school and am hoping i'm really sick.:) Just Kidding.

Talk Later,