Dec 29- Winter Break!

Sorry i haven't posted.... In a long time.
I don't really have much to say right now, but i'm living a crazy life. Gotta love itt! Anyways I wanted to say that i have made another blog all about my photography and you should check it out!

June 28th

Hey hey hey
So last week i went to Girls Camp that was so awesome!!!!! I loved it!!!! I went on a 20 mile hike and it wasn't that hard at all thank goodness... Anyways this summer has been pretty awesome. I can't wait to party lots and to see all my friends and my cousin!!

Talk Later

May 17, 2009

Okay... So... Lets see whats happened.
Next week is the lasts of school even though i'm going to miss it. I'm going to Florida but i'm not that excited. I'm missing Youth Conference and i'm going to have to go back to school in June and take my finals. I got my year book last week and it is awesome. Much better then DC's of course. :D
Math still sucks. I hate my teacher with a burning passion of a thousand suns. HAHA :). I"m way excited for summer. Almost 15!!!!!!! Ahhh i can't wait. What else...? Yesterday was a dance but it was super lame and my friend was being a butt. He kept leaving and was being a jerk to me but whatever... I had a party on Friday and it was amazing. We listened to music and watched Dark Knight. Earlier that day i bought a new swimsuit. It's way cute. I love it. Tomorrow i have school. LAST MONDAY OF THE YEAR! YAY! HAHA. Tonight I am going to be at the church for ever. I have a camp meeting at 4:30 then Seminary Graduation at 6:00. I still need to finish reading. Thats what i should do know, huh. :) I need to write a speech for English :(. EW. Um... Oh ya I lettered in acedemics and it is so cool. I'm so happy.

I'm so excited for the summer. Hopefully my cousin will stay with me for a couple weeks and me and Courtney are going to have so much fun expolring and adventuring. WOO HOO. Next week is the Canery dance. (hope i didn't already say that) yepp so it is outside and hopefully i will dance with a hottie. Just Kidding :).

Talk Later

Feb something.

I still don't like Math but otherwise school is really good. I am very tired all the time and I need money. I need a job. I can't stop thinking about this guy and I try to see him a couple times a week. So that is an update on my life. Pretty boring and same as usual. So...

Talk Later,

P.S. This same guy said that he will go out with me when we are both 16! YAY!

Jan 12

I started school again. It is so lame. I strongly dislike my Math teacher and Biology is really fun and easy. Sunday I burned my forehead with a curling iron. OW and Friday and Saturday I babysat. YAY! So I'm boring. HAHA

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P.S. I remembered the Strength of Youth is Saturday! (SOY) and there is a dance after!

OK. So... December?

This month was A-MAZE-ING. We had a 2 week christmas break and all my family visited. It was sweet. Then we got a Wii, it rocks! Last week was so amazinly crazy. On Sunday I had a fireside at our Bishop's house. Then nothing Monday, Tuesday we had a Tailgate-fireside "party'' at the church. It was kinda cool. After I went to Shannon's house and we played games and watched a movie. On Wednesday, NEW YEARS EVE, I went to a Stake Dance. That was so much fun. I danced with a really cute guy. Ok so here is the story. Last month I went to a Denver Stake Dance and I barely knew anybody, then a really cute nice guy asked me to dance, so I did then all I ever did was daydream abiut him. Ahhhhh. :) Then on Wednesday I had seen him and it was strange. Anyway I tried to stay as close to him as possible and see if he would ask me to dance again. That didn't work so I almost asked him but he was in a group of friends. So finally it was the last slow dance and I still hadn't danced with him. I decided that I would just go up and ask him no matter what. But I couldn't find him. I was about to give up when my friend saw him. I went up to him and asked him to dance. Ahhh that was the best dance ever. but I don't think he remembered me. Oh well. :) It was a good thing that the guy I like that also likes me wasn't there. That could have been bad. HAHA. Ok then on Thursday, NEW YEARS DAY!, I had a party at my house in my finished basement. That was so much fun. We played the Wii and wathched a movie. On Friday I woke up at 6:30 and got ready to go ice skating. That was a blast except I fell down quite a bit. :) I still had fun and have the bruizes to prove it. HAHA. Saturday I went to another party. Probably the best party ever. I had so much FUN! Sunday I had 9:00 church. :b. But it wasn't that bad. But we were late to sacrament metting. :) So Today I got to wake up at 5:30 and go to seminary. WooHoo! Today was probably the worst day ever. I had a horrible teacher and got a butt-load of homework. UGH hopefully I get all A's so I get my phone back.
Talk Later,