Jan 12

I started school again. It is so lame. I strongly dislike my Math teacher and Biology is really fun and easy. Sunday I burned my forehead with a curling iron. OW and Friday and Saturday I babysat. YAY! So I'm boring. HAHA

Talk Later

P.S. I remembered the Strength of Youth is Saturday! (SOY) and there is a dance after!

OK. So... December?

This month was A-MAZE-ING. We had a 2 week christmas break and all my family visited. It was sweet. Then we got a Wii, it rocks! Last week was so amazinly crazy. On Sunday I had a fireside at our Bishop's house. Then nothing Monday, Tuesday we had a Tailgate-fireside "party'' at the church. It was kinda cool. After I went to Shannon's house and we played games and watched a movie. On Wednesday, NEW YEARS EVE, I went to a Stake Dance. That was so much fun. I danced with a really cute guy. Ok so here is the story. Last month I went to a Denver Stake Dance and I barely knew anybody, then a really cute nice guy asked me to dance, so I did then all I ever did was daydream abiut him. Ahhhhh. :) Then on Wednesday I had seen him and it was strange. Anyway I tried to stay as close to him as possible and see if he would ask me to dance again. That didn't work so I almost asked him but he was in a group of friends. So finally it was the last slow dance and I still hadn't danced with him. I decided that I would just go up and ask him no matter what. But I couldn't find him. I was about to give up when my friend saw him. I went up to him and asked him to dance. Ahhh that was the best dance ever. but I don't think he remembered me. Oh well. :) It was a good thing that the guy I like that also likes me wasn't there. That could have been bad. HAHA. Ok then on Thursday, NEW YEARS DAY!, I had a party at my house in my finished basement. That was so much fun. We played the Wii and wathched a movie. On Friday I woke up at 6:30 and got ready to go ice skating. That was a blast except I fell down quite a bit. :) I still had fun and have the bruizes to prove it. HAHA. Saturday I went to another party. Probably the best party ever. I had so much FUN! Sunday I had 9:00 church. :b. But it wasn't that bad. But we were late to sacrament metting. :) So Today I got to wake up at 5:30 and go to seminary. WooHoo! Today was probably the worst day ever. I had a horrible teacher and got a butt-load of homework. UGH hopefully I get all A's so I get my phone back.
Talk Later,