
All week and last week I have been babysitting on Tuesdays and Fridays. I am hoping to earn enough money for my own laptop. On Thursday my grandma had a art show at our house, it went really well. Yesterday I went to a 3 year old's birthday party. There was a balloon lady and she was really funny. My dad told he to make me a boyfriend, so now I have a balloon boyfriend sitting in my front room.

Lauren has the flu and I sure hope I don't get sick. She has had about 3 popsicles and she said it makes her feel better which is good.

Talk Later


Unknown said...

How much do you make an hour when you babysit? I used to get $ .25!!!

Are you going to get a colored (outside) laptop?

Love you,


Lauren said...

you need to update your blog more and so do i